Staff & Board

Meet our staff and Board of Directors.

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Jessica Dawkins

President and CEO

Harlan Dawkins

Caretaker and Marketing Coordinator

Ronnie Dreistadt

Education Coordinator

Alba Jennings

Weekend Manager

Lydia Lewis

Development and Membership Coordinator

Matthew Lutz

Weekend Manager

Raina Melvin

Director of Programming and Engagement

Dave Rothermel

Development Associate and Museum Store Manager

Debbie Scott

Business Manager

Sarah Sutherland

Master Gardener

Kaitlyn Tisdale

Director of Interpretation

Evan Wilson

Facilities Manager

Executive Committee

Joe Pierson

Board Chair

Chris Chappell

Vice Chair

Brenda Tuckson

Vice Chair

Christopher Green


Del Marie Vaccaro


Hunter Louis

Past President

Members at Large

Tyler Fleming
Ann Georgehead
Kenneth Golliher
Ed James
Felicia Jamison
Alex Kepnes
Alan Lodge

Rosie Mastin
Andrea Meriwether
Janet Geurin Muller
Margy Thomas
Mesude Ozyurekoglu (Metro Parks), ex officio
(Metro Preservation Officer), ex officio

Directors Emeriti

Kate Dalton Boyer, Sally Van Winkle Campbell, Jill Cooper, Shirley R. Dumesnil, LaMar Gaston, Jr., Mary C. Hancock, Nancy Lee, Hunter Louis, John H. Stites III

Advisory Council

Mrs. Barry Bingham, Jr., Peyton Clark, Jr., Christopher C. Morris, Grover Potts, Gwynne Potts, John Rippy, Ted Steinbock, M.D.