The Enslaved Community


Malinda was an enslaved woman who was left to Emelia Clarke, wife of William Croghan’s nephew, Nicholas, in Major William Croghan’s will.

Nicholas, Emelia, and three of their children lived at Locust Grove for two to three years between 1809 and 1812 before moving into town when Nicholas started the Western Courier. Malinda was most likely assigned to be a lady’s servant to Emilia and to help with her children. Based on the 1820 census, Malinda and what appear to be her two daughters moved to Louisville with the Clarkes when they left Locust Grove. This arrangement is very similar to how Chastian ended up with the Croghans.

*Note: There were three separate people named Malinda who were owned by the Croghans. In addition to this woman, there was a second woman and a girl with the same name.