School Programs

Built in the 1790s, Locust Grove is a unique setting for learning about the settlement of Kentucky and this region. Students will tour the house and grounds and study life on a farm when Kentucky was the “West.”

Contact Ronnie Dreistadt at or call 502-897-9845 ex. 106 to book a school program.

Program Descriptions

History Tour (Grades 4-12)

$9 per student, maximum 65 students*

*Maximum number for one day


Immerse your students in the history of Locust Grove while learning about the incredible impact the site had on the region: Students will learn of the Croghan family, George Rogers Clark, and the men, women, and children enslaved at Locust Grove. Your visit includes an age-appropriate video, an interactive education program , and a student-oriented tour of the house and grounds. 



Contact Us to bring a large group

Craft Sampler (Grades 3-6)

$10 per student, maximum 75/minimum 30 students*

*Maximum number for one day

Available mid-April to early-October


Craft Sampler field trips include all activities listed in the History Tour, plus costumed interpreters demonstrating 18th-Century skills and time.



Contact Us to bring a large group

FAQs About School Programs

  • Can we bring a large group?

    Absolutely! Teachers wishing to bring a large group of students should email or call 502-897-9845, ex. 106, and we will work with you on how best to accommodate your school.

  • Cost

    Please see the field trip description for the cost per student.
    Teachers receive free admission with their class. Additional adult chaperones will pay the $10.00 group rate.

    Homeschool groups contact us for more information about available programs and pricing.

    Note to teachers: Locust Grove has some funding available to assist with admission fees for qualifying public schools – please call and ask for more information. Qualifying schools have at least 50% of students eligible for free, reduced-priced lunch.

  • Size of Group

    Maximum number of students is 90. If you have a larger group, please inquire about bringing your students on two separate dates.

  • Eating Options

    Picnic tables are available outdoors, weather permitting. We do not have indoor seating facilities.

Book a School Program

Contact Ronnie Dreistadt at or call 502-897-9845 ex. 106 to book a school program.